Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Lyca Reel

Written Updates

With my film half keyed at May 1st, it was not as far as I wanted to go.  I am eager for the week leading up to my review as I will no longer have interfering classes and projects.  I'm interested to chart my output when the film is my sole focus rather than when it's my back burner project.  I hope to get the film considerably more fleshed out by next Thursday.

 Level of completion: 35-40%
Optimal Level of Completion by Thursday: 55-60%
(Finish all keys and go as far as I can with final line)

Cleaning Up

Moving some shots into final line and color.

Monday, March 18, 2013

More Backgrounds

Ahrima's crucible and black sand mold.  It's gonna break my heart to put the sepia tone over that first one.

Revamped Backgrounds

Tis daylight in these backgrounds now!  More to come.

March 18th So Far

Half keyed now, looking forward to doing the composites on a few shots now that they're colored!